Income Tax Filing Booths

Whenever I went to the malls or any public places, I always see tarpaulins and posters saying to file our income tax early to avoid delays. Then I realized that April 15 (that was a few days ago) was the deadline for our country’s income tax filing.

Well, as for me, I am not a bit affected because I am not a tax payer as of the moment. I am jobless and am currently a stay at home mom. I earn a little bit of everything I can find online. Hopefully, I would be a tax payer soon like be employed or a business owner.

Anyway, I am so happy that our government made it easier for filing income tax. They have put up free tax filing booths in major malls within the city. They made it easier for tax payers to inquire and get forms and even submit forms.

Since the income tax filing is already finished, I am not sure if they still have booths to file tax extension. I know it would not be very nice to tolerate late filers but some might have valid excuse. Some accidents or unavoidable mishaps might have tax payers file late. 

Oh well, I am just happy with the governments tax filing booth projects!


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