The Mark of Puberty

It seems that the mark of puberty, aside from chest endowment for girls and croaky voices for boys, is pimples. More often than not, teenagers experience acne breakouts while passing this stage. 

My daughter has already turned 10 years old and it will not be long for her to reach puberty. I can only pray that acne will not become a problem for her. Acne mostly grows on the face and when the face is attacked, many young people lose their self confidence. So far, she does not have the signs that she might be in danger of having acne because her face is not oily. I can only pray for my daughter and maybe I should be ready with the best natural acne treatment just in case the problem may arise sooner or later. I would really like to protect my daughter’s pretty face as much as possible. Having nice skin is a gift and we hope to keep her skin that way.


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