The Newest Social Photo Sharing Site

For the past few days, I have been very so occupied with PicLyf. This is a new social photo sharing site wherein you can upload photos and share them in social networking sites automatically. You can link your PicLyf account to Facebook, Tumblr, Plurk, Twitter, Wordpress, Blogger and more. In just one upload all these photos can be shared in these places at once! 

I have been a member for a few days only, and because of its awesomeness, I forgot to write my testoripped reviews. Good thing I was able to remember and eventually, submitted it on time.  

Anyway, if you haven’t tried PicLyf yet, I think you should do. You don’t have to be a professional photographer to be a member, you can upload any photos or images, even photos from your mobile phone! You can share any images to the world easily with PicLyf!


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