I Must be Getting Old

I feel as if I really must be getting old. Things which used to excite me don’t have that much effect on me anymore. Even my preference for clothing and food has changed. Well, I don’t really have any qualms about it. After all, getting old is inevitable. It’s a fact we all have to face eventually.

But if there’s one thing I don’t really like about getting old it is that the tendency of becoming forgetful is always there. I’m actually starting to think that I’m becoming forgetful because I have gone out several times this week but I keep on forgetting to buy batteries for one of our wall clocks at home. Every time I leave the house I make a mental note to buy the batteries but once I’m out, the thought completely slips my mind. 

I think I should start taking those memory enhancement pills that’s being advertised on television to preserve whatever alertness is left of my mind.


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