Love for Food

Sometimes I just wish that I love something else because then I would not be so fat! You know why? Because I love food so much! And I eat a lot. I eat for many reasons—because I am hungry, because I have a headache, because I am depressed, because I am lonely, and most of all, I eat because I want to celebrate. So for almost every reason, I eat. Haha And that is not a good idea, especially for my figure.

But here is one revelation. There are actually fat burning foods. I thought, yeah right! Foods can only make you fat. Then again, I read an article that blew my mind off. If I will only carefully choose what I eat and not stuff my mouth with anything that seems delicious, then I can actually reach my weight loss goals in a healthy way and even sustain it.

I learned that the most important food that I should consume in big amounts everyday is vegetable. It is a good source of nutrients and it is filling but it does not contain fat. So it will really help me lose weight. Other fat burning foods are cereal and yoghurt. Hmmm…the next time I go to the grocery, I will make sure to buy some of them.


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