Going Back in Time

When I look old movies—I mean movies about the olden times I can’t help but wonder what it was like living in those days. No computer, everything has to be done manually, and those clothes and hats! It must have been hard to do laundry and to get around in those. The men wore breeches which I have to admit, looked grand. They look fab in those, actually. Or is it because the actors in those movies are just way too handsome? LOL.

They rode on fancy looking carriages alright, but I wonder how long would it take for them to travel from one city to another. To travel to another country would take months as supposed to hours when you travel nowadays. Technology has indeed made the world smaller! No matter what, I am still blessed to living at this time and age. The convenience of having a faster mode of transportation, communication is something we are so blessed to have.

I am curious about wearing those fancy looking dresses they had back then, but I am happy to be wearing my casual jeans on an ordinary day or my shorts in a hot summer season like now.


  1. What are some old movies that are still good to watch today? It just feels like any old movies is hard to watch, bad effects, bad picture, bad sound and generally longer and somewhat boring.What are some good movies that still maintain quality to be watchable today? Thanks


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