Solving the Riddle of BMI

I can be weird sometimes. I always whine about my weight and yet I can’t seem to stop myself from enjoying restaurants, cafes and pastry shops. In short, I can’t seem to prevent myself from eating! But before you start thinking otherwise, let me just say that I am not too overweight. If you see me, you would think my body is just right for a mom of 3.

However, I do know that I don’t weigh right for my age and my height. I think it’s got something to do with BMI or Body Mass Index. A person may look okay on the outside, but inside it’s a whole different story. That said I’m looking to read some hydroxycut reviews just to see if it’s alright for me to take it.

I don’t want to go taking slimming or weight loss pills without first knowing what its ingredients are as well as the effects it has on its users.


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